
Selected Supplementary Readings

In addition to the lecture material, students in the course are required to read several scholarly papers on various other topics in computing. One such paper will be assigned every three weeks, and a quarter of each quiz will be made up of problems based on the most recently assigned reading. As with other quiz problems, these problems will be either multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank. Here are the four papers I have chosen and the quizzes to which they apply:

WeeksPaper ReferenceQuiz
1 ‑ 3Gibb, Z. G., & Devereux, P. G. (2014). Who does that anyway? Predictors and personality correlates of cyberbullying in college. Computers In Human Behavior, Vol 38, 8-16. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.05.009
4 ‑ 6Leukfeldt, E.R., Lavorgna, A., & Kleemans, E.R. (2017). Organised Cybercrime or Cybercrime that is Organised? An Assessment of the Conceptualisation of Financial Cybercrime as Organised Crime European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Vol 23, 3. DOI 10.1007/s10610-016-9332-z. (Note that there appears to be some ambiguity in the title and date of this article on the Queen's Library site. Here is a direct link to a .pdf of the article I want you to read.)2
7 ‑ 9Stephens-Davidowitz, S (2014). The cost of racial animus on a black candidate: Evidence using Google search data. Journal of Public Economics, Vol 118, 26-40. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2014.04.0103
10 ‑ 12Sakaki, T., Okazaki, M., & Matsuo, Y. (2013). Tweet analysis for real-time event detection and earthquake reporting system development. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 25Vol 4, 919-931. doi:10.1109/TKDE.2012.294

NOTE: PDFs of these papers may be acquired online, free of charge, through the Queen's University Library's Web site, by copying and pasting the titles into the Library's home page's search window. If you are off campus when you try to use the Library's Web services, you must use the "Connect from Off-Campus" link and sign in with your NetID to do any downloading.

Also note that it is your responsibility to find and read the correct article for each quiz. Always use the Queen's Library site to locate the articles, and always check that the article you have downloaded matches the entry for it given above.

Lectures, Labs, and Quizzes

Week Topic Lab Key events/Things to note
1 Course information; What's in a Computer Lab 1
2 Bits, Bytes, and Representation of Information Lab 2
3 Inside the CPU Lab 3 Quiz 1 (Friday meeting)
4 Algorithms Lab 4
5 Programming and Programming Languages Lab 5
6 Learning to Program Lab 6 Quiz 2 (Friday meeting)
7 Software Systems Lab 7
8 Networking Lab 8
9 The Internet Lab 9 Quiz 3 (Friday meeting)
10 The World Wide Web Lab 10
11 Data, Information, and Privacy Lab 11 Owing to the Good Friday holiday, Lab 11 will take place during Wednesday's lecture period
12 Parallelization and Parallel Computation Lab 12 Quiz 4 (Friday meeting)